Video Enhanced Reflective Practice (VERP)

VERP has its roots in Video Interaction Guidance and so you might want to read about VIG which explains about the principles and core values of using video in this way. You can also find out more at

VERP uses a group setting to look at short clips of video of a professional's practice (e.g. a teacher working with a student/ group of pupils) to enhance their reflection on their practice. The aim would be to improve effective communication and interactions within the professional situation based on the style of that professional, supported by colleagues. There is evidence that learning best takes place within an attuned relationship, and VERP aims to help professionals develop their attuned relationships with their pupils as a foundation for learning to take place. VERP is led very much by the members of staff themselves, rather than being 'told' or 'prescribed' by another. The other key is that it is a very positive and empowering process, building on existing strengths and identifying areas for development. Staff members develop many transferrable skills in terms of their communication and interactions.

What happens?

VERP works best with a small group (up to 4) of staff who would like to take part. I provide an initial day's training which covers the principles of attuned interactions and an introduction to how VERP works. This is followed by three half day group supervisions. Each member of the group develops their own goal. They then make a short film of themselves in their daily work, say with a group of pupils. Each member of the group then looks carefully through their video using the skills learned on day 1 to identify a couple of clips where their interactions are successful and they are attuned. At each half day workshop the group watches each others' clips, helping each other identify what they are pleased with and developing an area for development. This cycle happens three times. To complete the VERP course we finish with a half day accreditation meeting to celebrate the learning and those who complete the course receive a certificate. Completion of the course also counts towards training in VIG.

Evaluations of VERP group:

“It’s just the tiny little movements, ….. we’ve seen how those tiny little changes change the way the students respond to us and I think a lot of us are seeing a difference in …we’ve seen a noticeable change in our students”

“(VERP) is something that you can’t read from a book…you have to do it in practice….this form of observation is about the most supportive form of observation I have ever had in my career including when I did my PGCE……I realised it was possible to be warmer and more open without losing any of my teacherly being in charge-ness and that was very helpful….I’ve got on a lot better with a lot of them this year even the ones who were much more difficult and challenging. …the young man, this time last year would have been off my course…he’s still on it and that feels good….he’s actually engaged…he’s doing ok”